
For students applying to Waterloo Engineering.

Choosing a university program can be quite stressful and confusing especially when so many of the programs overlap. The direct entry into a program can seem quite daunting, as you’re forced to choose a program that you will still find exciting in 5 years. Make sure to take your time to consider all of your options, as transferring into other programs, while possible, is very difficult.

Electrical VS Computer

The overlap between electrical and computer engineering is quite significant, as both programs study hardware and software systems. Luckily, transferring between these two programs (EE to CE or CE to EE) is very easy up until your 2B term as the courses are identical.

Overall, electrical engineers will have a bigger opportunity to look at hardware with an added side of software, and computer engineers will do more software with some hardware on the side.

Electrical engineering will have a stronger focus on physics that will allow them to understand the hardware in more depth, while Computer engineering will have more software and embedded systems courses and will have more opportunities at software developer jobs.

Computer VS Software VS Computer Science

Computer engineering, software engineering and computer science are programs that overlap in some areas while having their own differences in other areas.

Computer engineering will focus on software development, while also learning about the hardware aspect of computers. This field would be for people that are interested in both software and hardware or those that are unsure between the two. (See also Electrical VS Computer Engineering)

Software Engineering and Computer Science are also very similar and overlap in many aspects. All the courses that CS students take will also be taken by SE students (and taught in most cases by CS profs). However, SE students will also have other compulsory courses that will look at more physics (and these are taught by computer engineering profs) that need to be completed for SE to be an accredited engineering program.

Software engineering students, being part of the engineering faculty (CS is in the math faculty), also have the benefit of being in a cohort for the full 5 years of their undergrad. A cohort is the group of students from your program with whom you’ll be taking most of your courses. This can allow for very close and lasting relationships and can give a great sense of community.

When applying, it’s important to also keep in mind that SE applicants will need previous experience in developing programs. This can include strong performance in a grade 11 or 12 computer science course or good performance in a programming contest. Demonstrating this on the AIF (see also AIF tips & tricks) is crucial. While programming experience is not necessary for CS, it is strongly recommended.

Mechanical VS Mechatronics

Mechatronics generally incorporates many different fields, including mechanical and computer engineering, as well as computer science. Mechatronics students will have a very wide range of skills and knowledge. Tron students should, as they say, be able to build a robot from start to finish by the time they finish their degree. So if your interests lay in both mechanical and electrical engineering, mechatronics may be for you. But if electronics isn’t something you’d like to focus on (mech students still take a couple of electrical courses), mechanical engineering will allow you to dive deep into the sphere of mechanical processes.

Architectural Engineering VS Architecture

The main difference between the two programs is the focus of the courses. Architectural engineering is closer to civil engineering in the sense that it explores mechanics, structural analysis, and structural design, as well as a heavy math focus. Architecture on the other hand will be aesthetic and artistic focus, rather than design and problem solving.